Let's chat: 604-612-6970

It’s my pleasure today to introduce Mike Grudman, President & Founder of Axium Capital. 

Mike & his team provide private & conventional commercial mortgage financing for real estate owners, developers & businesses. They can assist with various types of properties accessing a wide range of lenders. They are also a part of our TMG The Mortgage Group extended family and whom I refer my commercial financing clients to. 

I ask Mike the following questions: 

  • Who is Axium Capital? Tell us a bit about you & your team. 
  • How is commercial financing different from residential? 
  • What are key factors lenders look for in residential financing? 
  • What types of requests are you seeing these days? 
  • Who is your ideal client? Or perhaps ideal property? 
  • Why Axium over another commercial broker? 

Reach out to me today for your personal introduction to Mike & his team today!

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