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ABC's of Real Estate
Do you hear real estate terms in conversation, smile & nod and hope no one will know you don't know what the heck they are talking about?I discourage you from doing this. Learn at least the basic...
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Divorce & Your Mortgage
Divorce is an ugly word. I have yet to meet someone that came out of divorce unharmed in some way, including me. Lets talk about divorce and your mortgage.You meet, fall in love and decide to live...
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A boring article about mortgage costs
Another BORING article about mortgage costs? Yes. And I’ll tell you why. If you don’t know the basics then you won’t be ready when you walk into your dream home. Period.If your home is the most...
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Mortgage 'advice'
I get excited when someone gets ‘advice’ from someone they know and then brings it to me as their trusted Mortgage Professional for my opinion.Here are ‘advice’ examples from the last few months and...
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